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:: Volume 15, Issue 58 (2024) ::
2024, 15(58): 25-44 Back to browse issues page
- Future research of the political challenges of the sea-oriented development of the Persian Gulf water area in the horizon of 1414
Khalil Kolivand
Abstract:   (461 Views)
Background and Theoretical Foundations: Sea-based development is a field of study that includes sea-related economic activities that are often related to other economic sectors such as tourism, maritime transport, energy, fishing and fisheries, trade, etc. Iran also has a special position in terms of geography and geopolitical position in this field, having maritime borders in the north and south of the country, especially in the Persian Gulf region. However, the sea-oriented development in Iran and the Persian Gulf faces challenges, therefore, the current research, with a future research approach, seeks to analyze the political challenges of sea-oriented development in this water area.
Methodology:  The type of applied research is a mixed approach (quantitative and qualitative). Its statistical population includes 30 experts and experts in the field of security, military, maritime, political issues and researchers of political geography and political science, which was carried out by non-probability and purposeful sampling until the theoretical saturation of the data. Data analysis was done using the structural equation model and MicMac software.
Findings: The findings of the research showed the oppressive Western sanctions against the maritime sector and the country's ports and shipping organization (21+), changing the political direction of international corridors and laying the groundwork for Iran's removal from these corridors (20+), the lack of development of political and diplomatic relations with some countries. region (15+), failure to transform the country into a world trade corridor center due to political reasons (12+), lack of autonomy and freedom of action of maritime companies in the country (11+), the influence and increase in the number of foreign ships and military vessels in Persian Gulf (10+), not paying enough attention to the political economy of the sea (7+), the presence of extra-regional countries in the Persian Gulf region (7+), the non-development of the country's sea-oriented geopolitical position in the world arena (5+) and maritime conflicts The head of shared marine resources and illegal entry into the water areas of the country (5+) are the key and final political challenges of sea-oriented development in the Persian Gulf region.
Conclusion:  The result of the research shows that the sea-oriented development in the Persian Gulf is facing frequent challenges, and solving these challenges can provide the basis for the development of the country. In line with this research, suggestions were made.
Keywords: Political challenges, sea-oriented development, Persian Gulf water area, future studies
Full-Text [PDF 1719 kb]   (131 Downloads)    
Type of Study: Research/ Original/ Regular Article | Subject: Marine Management / Geopolitic
Received: 2024/08/8 | Revised: 2024/11/23 | Accepted: 2024/11/4 | ePublished: 2024/11/23

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kolivand K. - Future research of the political challenges of the sea-oriented development of the Persian Gulf water area in the horizon of 1414. Journal of Oceanography 2024; 15 (58) :25-44
URL: http://joc.inio.ac.ir/article-1-1814-en.html

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Volume 15, Issue 58 (2024) Back to browse issues page
نشریه علمی پژوهشی اقیانوس شناسی Journal of Oceanography
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