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:: Volume 15, Issue 58 (2024) ::
2024, 15(58): 15-24 Back to browse issues page
The logic of service dominance, a model for marketing and creating a competitive advantage in Iranian ports
Reza Dabaghian Nejad Dezfuli , Karim Hamdi , Peyman Ghafari Ashtiani
Port affairs & Port affairs , rdabaghian1351@gmail.com
Abstract:   (404 Views)
Background and Theoretical Foundations: Currently, marketing in Iranian ports is in the form of commodity services, and the port managers only focus on the owners of goods, shipping lines, navigators and crews of vessels and investors, as the key customers of the ports, and there is no specific strategy to create a long-term plan and National determination to develop competitiveness in ports based on service-oriented is not observed. Therefore, the first step is to identify important and outstanding topics, keywords and titles in the articles and researches published on the subject of port services. Searching in the range of published articles, the titles of the port ecosystem and the logic of service superiority are important in gaining customer satisfaction and increasing the competitiveness of ports. From this point of view, the articles published in recent years in domestic and foreign magazines were examined and studied, and by using conventional and documented methods, the economic, social, political, technical, managerial and environmental aspects were analyzed in line with The competitiveness of ports should be aligned with the logic of service dominance
Methodology: The method used includes the purposeful study of articles available in reliable scientific databases such as Scopus and Science Direct related to the logic of dominance of services in ports, so that 2511 articles were identified between the years 2019 and 2023 and Using the VOS viewer software, a detailed study was done based on the title, keywords, abstract and content of the articles, and the results of the relationship between the topics and titles were obtained in the form of scientific maps. The conceptual models related to the effective factors in the main phenomenon and the main concepts and categories of swimming were explained based on the qualitative study according to the opinion of experts.
Findings: The results and findings of the bibliographic method in the published articles related to ports show that the ecosystem of ports is related to several issues, which include the following:
Infrastructure, governance, policy, energy, transportation, container management, resilience, covid-19, climate change, sustainability, environment, risk assessment, machine learning, risk assessment, network analysis, supply chain, communication, positioning system, regulation, port, coast and shipping management, genetic algorithm, cloud computing and multi-objective optimization.
Conclusion: By applying the steps of scientology and research in the articles presented in the world's prestigious scientific databases, the researcher has extracted the results related to the topics, titles and keywords, it is necessary to mention that the results obtained in the scientific map of the articles, topics In the background, they acknowledge the research, also a conceptual model is presented by considering the effective factors in the competitiveness of ports with important and practical aspects. More precisely, it determines the competitiveness of ports.
Keywords: Ecosystem, Commercial ports, Marketing model, logic of service dominance
Full-Text [PDF 1514 kb]   (93 Downloads)    
Type of Study: Review Article | Subject: Marine Economics and Business Management
Received: 2024/07/8 | Revised: 2024/11/23 | Accepted: 2024/11/5 | ePublished: 2024/11/23

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Dabaghian Nejad Dezfuli R, Hamdi K, Ghafari Ashtiani P. The logic of service dominance, a model for marketing and creating a competitive advantage in Iranian ports. Journal of Oceanography 2024; 15 (58) :15-24
URL: http://joc.inio.ac.ir/article-1-1808-en.html

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Volume 15, Issue 58 (2024) Back to browse issues page
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