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:: Volume 11, Issue 41 (2020) ::
2020, 11(41): 83-92 Back to browse issues page
Identifying the factors affecting the Iranian Bunkering Market
Abstract:   (3700 Views)
The present study aims to provide a bunkering market model in Iran. The research method is qualitative-quantitative. A standard questionnaire form was used to collect data related to measuring research variables. The validity of the questionnaire form was confirmed through its content validity and its reliability was approved according to Cronbach's alpha coefficients. The statistical population of the research in a quantitative stage are managers and experts in the bunkering  industry, which selected by simple using random sampling method and due to the lack of access to the community list, the sample size is determined based on the formula 10 to 15 times the questions of questionnaire form. In the qualitative method, which used from interview tool, the statistical population consisted of executive and academic experts who specialize in bunkering industries. In order to study the demographic characteristics of the experts, SPSS 20 software was used and also to determine the codes, main topics and also to present graphic models, Maxqda data analysis software was used. In order to test the model, Amos software has been used and in order to prioritize the factors ,AHP has been utilized. The indicators identified in the qualitative method are: motivational support, interaction with customers, appropriate political interactions and communications, interactions with the board members, interaction with employees, distribution capability, promotion, price, product, processes.
Keywords: Bunkering Market, Marketing, Grand Theory, Fuel Oil, Structural Equation Modeling
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Type of Study: Applied Article | Subject: Crisis, Disasters and maritime accidents Management
Received: 2020/04/28 | Revised: 2020/11/9 | Accepted: 2020/05/26 | ePublished: 2020/09/23
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Identifying the factors affecting the Iranian Bunkering Market. Journal of Oceanography 2020; 11 (41) :83-92
URL: http://joc.inio.ac.ir/article-1-1504-en.html

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