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Strategy of Dominant Phytoplankton Species Based on Size Classification in Iranian Coastal Water of the Caspian Sea (41086 Views) |
Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) in Seawater Intertidal Areas of Boushehr Province (Persian Gulf) (40996 Views) |
The impact of oil pollution on the accumulation of heavy metals (Ni, Pb,Cd & V) in muscle tissue of Pampus argenteus from the northern part of the Persian Gulf (40331 Views) |
Determination of Optimal Ionic and Osmotic Conditions for Activity of Spermatozoa in Barbus sharpeyi (37570 Views) |
Population Ecology of Macrobenthos in Gabrik Mangrove Creek Protected Area in Jask City (Oman Sea) (37006 Views) |
Accumulation of Heavy Metals Ni, V, Cu and Pb in Sediments and Bivalves Crassostrea gigas In Bandar Imam Khomeini (36843 Views) |
Environmental Geochemistry of Heavy Metals in Coastal Sediments of Gawatr Bay, Southeast Extreme of Iran (36292 Views) |
Identification and Ecological Study of Juvenile Fishes of Khuzestan (North West Persian Gulf) (35879 Views) |
Assessment of Metallothionein as a Biomarker of Heavy Metal (Hg, Cd, Pb and Cu) in Oyster Crassostrea gigas in Imam Khomeini Port (35257 Views) |
A Investigation of Nickel and Vanadium Ratio from Oil Pollution in Sediments and Rocky Shore Oysters (Saccostrea cucullata) in Bushehr Coasts (Persian Gulf) (35238 Views) |
Estimating the economic value of coral reefs of Iran, egarding their recreational usage and using a contingent valuation method, case study:Kish Island, Persian Gulf (33875 Views) |
Study of Polychaete community structure and it’s relationship with heavy metal concentration in winter in Bahrakan zone sediments (33729 Views) |
Identification of Intertidal Zone Sea Cucumbers (Class: Holothuroidea) of Qeshm Island (Persian Gulf, Iran) (33548 Views) |
Identification of Effective Criteria for Artificial Reefs Site Selection Using Analytical Hierarchy Process Methodology (A Case Study: Coral Reefs in the Kish Island) (33301 Views) |
Weekly variation of phytoplankton community structure in the Strait of Hormoz (32230 Views) |
The investigation of species diversity and dominance of Decapoda of the intertidal zone of Bushehr rocky shores-the Persian Gulf (30431 Views) |
Determination the Lethal Concentration (Lc50 96H) of Diazinon and Machety (Butachlor) on (Vimba vimba persa) (29777 Views) |
Plankton Assemblage Changed in Southern Offshore Bushehr Waters (29709 Views) |
Sedimentological and Geochemical Characteristics of the Gorgan Bay Sediments (29298 Views) |
Growth Parameter and Mortality Estimates of Yellowfin Seabream, Acanthopagrus latus (Houttuyn, 1782) in the Coastal Waters of Hormozgan Province, Iran (28695 Views) |
Length Composition, Growth, Mortality and Exploitation Rate of King Fish (Scomberomorus commerson) in the Coastal Waters of Boushehr Province (28381 Views) |
Polycyclic Aromatic Hydricarbon (PAHs) in Sediments and Rockyshore Oysters (Saccostrea cucullata) in Intertidal Area of Boushehr State (Persian Gulf) (28241 Views) |
Histology and Immunolocalization of Ionocyte Cells in Gill of Juvenile's Grouper (Epinephelus coioides) (28206 Views) |
Study of Feeding Behavior of Zooplankton- Phytoplankton in Different Seasons in the Southern Caspian Sea Using Multivariate Analysis (27836 Views) |
Distribution and Morphological Characteristics of Larval Stages of Portunus pelagicus and Thalamita prymna (Brachyura Portunidae) Collected from Coastal Waters of Khuzestan Province (North of Persian Gulf) (27549 Views) |
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Most Downloaded Articles |
The impact of oil pollution on the accumulation of heavy metals (Ni, Pb,Cd & V) in muscle tissue of Pampus argenteus from the northern part of the Persian Gulf (8871 Downloads) |
Optimization of extracting agar of Persian Gulf’s Gracilaria corticata algae (8364 Downloads) |
Studying the Effect of Work Place Environment on Seafarers' Attraction and Retention: A Comparison between Tankers, Bulk Carriers, and Containerships (8271 Downloads) |
A two-dimensional vertical non-hydrostatic model for simulation of free surface flows (7794 Downloads) |
Classification of Water Masses in Chabahar Bay Using Clustering Method (7773 Downloads) |
Environmental Geochemistry of Heavy Metals in Coastal Sediments of Gawatr Bay, Southeast Extreme of Iran (7694 Downloads) |
Analysis of factors affecting the structure of rural settlements in Makran coastal region in the face of climate change (7540 Downloads) |
A Statistical Analysis for Evaluating the Operative Factors on Container Clearance in Iran's Port (7455 Downloads) |
Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) in Seawater Intertidal Areas of Boushehr Province (Persian Gulf) (7125 Downloads) |
Determination the Lethal Concentration (Lc50 96H) of Diazinon and Machety (Butachlor) on (Vimba vimba persa) (7003 Downloads) |
Isolation of Collagen from Fish Waste Material- Skin, Bones and Fins of Thunnus tonggol (6569 Downloads) |
Orientation Behavior of Hermit Crab (Heller, 1865) (Diogenes avarus) in Response to Visual Stimulus and Exposure to Pb (6500 Downloads) |
Geographical Scope of the Legal Regime on Marine Scientific Research in Different Marine Areas Under The UN Convention on the Law of the Sea (1982) (6293 Downloads) |
Simulating Wind Driven Waves by SWAN Numerical Wave Model in Bushehr Bay (6219 Downloads) |
Accumulation of Heavy Metals Ni, V, Cu and Pb in Sediments and Bivalves Crassostrea gigas In Bandar Imam Khomeini (6113 Downloads) |
Study of Some Heavy Metal Pollutions in the Hormuz Islands Coastal Sediments and Their Origin (6038 Downloads) |
Water quality index of Karoon River as indicator of Khorramshahr Soap Factory sewage effects (5974 Downloads) |
The Study of Heavy Metals (Hg, Cd, Pb and Cu) Levels in Sediments of North-West of Persian Gulf - Imam Khomeini Port (5795 Downloads) |
Internal and Environmental Analysis of Bushehr Port by AHP-SWOT Integration Approach (5489 Downloads) |
Polycyclic Aromatic Hydricarbon (PAHs) in Sediments and Rockyshore Oysters (Saccostrea cucullata) in Intertidal Area of Boushehr State (Persian Gulf) (5477 Downloads) |
Length Composition, Growth, Mortality and Exploitation Rate of King Fish (Scomberomorus commerson) in the Coastal Waters of Boushehr Province (5432 Downloads) |
Assessment of Metallothionein as a Biomarker of Heavy Metal (Hg, Cd, Pb and Cu) in Oyster Crassostrea gigas in Imam Khomeini Port (5407 Downloads) |
Advisory Opinion of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea; Manifestation of Flag State Obligations on Illegal Fishing by Vessels Flying its Flag in the Exclusive Economic Zone of Third State (5281 Downloads) |
Three Dimensional Numerical Modeling of Circulation in the Strait of Hormuz (5267 Downloads) |
An investigation on macro benthic fauna of Southwestern of Anzali Lagoon and the relation of organic material to macro invertebrates (5266 Downloads) |
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