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Strategy of Dominant Phytoplankton Species Based on Size Classification in Iranian Coastal Water of the Caspian Sea (41025 Views)
Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) in Seawater Intertidal Areas of Boushehr Province (Persian Gulf) (40909 Views)
The impact of oil pollution on the accumulation of heavy metals (Ni, Pb,Cd & V) in muscle tissue of Pampus argenteus from the northern part of the Persian Gulf (40271 Views)
Determination of Optimal Ionic and Osmotic Conditions for Activity of Spermatozoa in Barbus sharpeyi (37513 Views)
Population Ecology of Macrobenthos in Gabrik Mangrove Creek Protected Area in Jask City (Oman Sea) (36946 Views)
Accumulation of Heavy Metals Ni, V, Cu and Pb in Sediments and Bivalves Crassostrea gigas In Bandar Imam Khomeini (36759 Views)
Environmental Geochemistry of Heavy Metals in Coastal Sediments of Gawatr Bay, Southeast Extreme of Iran (36233 Views)
Identification and Ecological Study of Juvenile Fishes of Khuzestan (North West Persian Gulf) (35783 Views)
Assessment of Metallothionein as a Biomarker of Heavy Metal (Hg, Cd, Pb and Cu) in Oyster Crassostrea gigas in Imam Khomeini Port (35187 Views)
A Investigation of Nickel and Vanadium Ratio from Oil Pollution in Sediments and Rocky Shore Oysters (Saccostrea cucullata) in Bushehr Coasts (Persian Gulf) (35149 Views)
Estimating the economic value of coral reefs of Iran, egarding their recreational usage and using a contingent valuation method, case study:Kish Island, Persian Gulf (33790 Views)
Study of Polychaete community structure and it’s relationship with heavy metal concentration in winter in Bahrakan zone sediments (33680 Views)
Identification of Intertidal Zone Sea Cucumbers (Class: Holothuroidea) of Qeshm Island (Persian Gulf, Iran) (33496 Views)
Identification of Effective Criteria for Artificial Reefs Site Selection Using Analytical Hierarchy Process Methodology (A Case Study: Coral Reefs in the Kish Island) (33206 Views)
Weekly variation of phytoplankton community structure in the Strait of Hormoz (32156 Views)
The investigation of species diversity and dominance of Decapoda of the intertidal zone of Bushehr rocky shores-the Persian Gulf (30379 Views)
Determination the Lethal Concentration (Lc50 96H) of Diazinon and Machety (Butachlor) on (Vimba vimba persa) (29698 Views)
Plankton Assemblage Changed in Southern Offshore Bushehr Waters (29652 Views)
Sedimentological and Geochemical Characteristics of the Gorgan Bay Sediments (29229 Views)
Growth Parameter and Mortality Estimates of Yellowfin Seabream, Acanthopagrus latus (Houttuyn, 1782) in the Coastal Waters of Hormozgan Province, Iran (28612 Views)
Length Composition, Growth, Mortality and Exploitation Rate of King Fish (Scomberomorus commerson) in the Coastal Waters of Boushehr Province (28321 Views)
Polycyclic Aromatic Hydricarbon (PAHs) in Sediments and Rockyshore Oysters (Saccostrea cucullata) in Intertidal Area of Boushehr State (Persian Gulf) (28163 Views)
Histology and Immunolocalization of Ionocyte Cells in Gill of Juvenile's Grouper (Epinephelus coioides) (28129 Views)
Study of Feeding Behavior of Zooplankton- Phytoplankton in Different Seasons in the Southern Caspian Sea Using Multivariate Analysis (27761 Views)
Distribution and Morphological Characteristics of Larval Stages of Portunus pelagicus and Thalamita prymna (Brachyura Portunidae) Collected from Coastal Waters of Khuzestan Province (North of Persian Gulf) (27480 Views)
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The impact of oil pollution on the accumulation of heavy metals (Ni, Pb,Cd & V) in muscle tissue of Pampus argenteus from the northern part of the Persian Gulf (8819 Downloads)
Optimization of extracting agar of Persian Gulf’s Gracilaria corticata algae (8355 Downloads)
Studying the Effect of Work Place Environment on Seafarers' Attraction and Retention: A Comparison between Tankers, Bulk Carriers, and Containerships (8235 Downloads)
A two-dimensional vertical non-hydrostatic model for simulation of free surface flows (7776 Downloads)
Classification of Water Masses in Chabahar Bay Using Clustering Method (7747 Downloads)
Environmental Geochemistry of Heavy Metals in Coastal Sediments of Gawatr Bay, Southeast Extreme of Iran (7661 Downloads)
Analysis of factors affecting the structure of rural settlements in Makran coastal region in the face of climate change (7487 Downloads)
A Statistical Analysis for Evaluating the Operative Factors on Container Clearance in Iran's Port (7426 Downloads)
Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) in Seawater Intertidal Areas of Boushehr Province (Persian Gulf) (7099 Downloads)
Determination the Lethal Concentration (Lc50 96H) of Diazinon and Machety (Butachlor) on (Vimba vimba persa) (6978 Downloads)
Isolation of Collagen from Fish Waste Material- Skin, Bones and Fins of Thunnus tonggol (6547 Downloads)
Orientation Behavior of Hermit Crab (Heller, 1865) (Diogenes avarus) in Response to Visual Stimulus and Exposure to Pb (6479 Downloads)
Geographical Scope of the Legal Regime on Marine Scientific Research in Different Marine Areas Under The UN Convention on the Law of the Sea (1982) (6254 Downloads)
Simulating Wind Driven Waves by SWAN Numerical Wave Model in Bushehr Bay (6201 Downloads)
Accumulation of Heavy Metals Ni, V, Cu and Pb in Sediments and Bivalves Crassostrea gigas In Bandar Imam Khomeini (6096 Downloads)
Study of Some Heavy Metal Pollutions in the Hormuz Islands Coastal Sediments and Their Origin (6006 Downloads)
Water quality index of Karoon River as indicator of Khorramshahr Soap Factory sewage effects (5942 Downloads)
The Study of Heavy Metals (Hg, Cd, Pb and Cu) Levels in Sediments of North-West of Persian Gulf - Imam Khomeini Port (5772 Downloads)
Internal and Environmental Analysis of Bushehr Port by AHP-SWOT Integration Approach (5455 Downloads)
Polycyclic Aromatic Hydricarbon (PAHs) in Sediments and Rockyshore Oysters (Saccostrea cucullata) in Intertidal Area of Boushehr State (Persian Gulf) (5449 Downloads)
Length Composition, Growth, Mortality and Exploitation Rate of King Fish (Scomberomorus commerson) in the Coastal Waters of Boushehr Province (5397 Downloads)
Assessment of Metallothionein as a Biomarker of Heavy Metal (Hg, Cd, Pb and Cu) in Oyster Crassostrea gigas in Imam Khomeini Port (5379 Downloads)
Advisory Opinion of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea; Manifestation of Flag State Obligations on Illegal Fishing by Vessels Flying its Flag in the Exclusive Economic Zone of Third State (5245 Downloads)
An investigation on macro benthic fauna of Southwestern of Anzali Lagoon and the relation of organic material to macro invertebrates (5224 Downloads)
Strategy of Dominant Phytoplankton Species Based on Size Classification in Iranian Coastal Water of the Caspian Sea (5221 Downloads)
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Journal of Oceanography ( 1920 print)
Journal of Oceanography ( 1272 print)
Journal of Oceanography ( 1178 print)
Contact Information ( 1155 print)
Journal of Oceanography ( 832 print)
Journal of Oceanography ( 672 print)
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نشریه علمی پژوهشی اقیانوس شناسی Journal of Oceanography
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