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:: Volume 10, Issue 40 (2020) ::
2020, 10(40): 65-74 Back to browse issues page
Long-term Analysis of Sea Surface wind field over the Persian Gulf Basin, Using reanalysis data, NCDC-BSW and in situ observations during a 23-year period
Elaheh Owlad , Hasan Khaleghi-Zavareh , Parviz Irannejad , Parvin Ghafarian
Iranian National Institute for Oceanography and Atmospheric Sciences , e.owlad@inio.ac.ir
Abstract:   (4506 Views)
Sea surface wind speed and direction data with high spatial and temporal resolution is essential to having realistic perception and being able to forecast Air-Sea interaction. Lack of enough field measurements over the Persian Gulf has been always a serious issue in meteorological studies over this area. The object of this study is to determine the mean wind field over the Persian Gulf and find out the trend of the wind in this area. To do so, three data sets including: buoy and synoptic observed data, ERA-Interim reanalysis data and blending satellite retrieved data (from NCDC-BSW) are used for long-term analysis of surface wind field over the Persian Gulf. After a comparison of in-situ observation data with estimations performed by the reanalysis model and satellite data and verification of these datasets, wind fields were extracted using satellite and reanalysis data and the long-term wind trend was retrieved from 1988 to 2010 for 23 years. Results illustrate a relative increase in the wind speed estimated from reanalysis data and a relative decrease in the wind speed estimated from satellite data. Considering everything, it could be concluded that the satellite data has had better performance in estimating wind speed. So that, long-term investigation of the increase-decrease trend in wind speed at divergent stations indicate an effect of summer and winter Shamal on the maximum and minimum wind speed and regime, that were estimated in the Persian Gulf region. Considering this effect, the highest winds in winter occur near Bushehr area while the maximum winds in summer are seen in lower latitudes and near the center of the Persian Gulf.
Keywords: Wind field, reanalysis data, Satellite data, long-term, Persian Gulf, Shamal wind.
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Type of Study: Research/ Original/ Regular Article | Subject: Marine Meteorology / Climate Change
Received: 2019/06/1 | Revised: 2021/05/12 | Accepted: 2019/11/2 | ePublished: 2020/05/20
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Owlad E, Khaleghi-Zavareh H, Irannejad P, Ghafarian P. Long-term Analysis of Sea Surface wind field over the Persian Gulf Basin, Using reanalysis data, NCDC-BSW and in situ observations during a 23-year period. Journal of Oceanography 2020; 10 (40) :65-74
URL: http://joc.inio.ac.ir/article-1-1550-en.html

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