In this study, for measuring the concentration of nutrients (Nitrate, Nitrite, Phosphate and Silicate) throughout the Bardestan creek and its offshore waters during March (winter) and August 2014 (summer),samplings were carried out using a fishing boat. Nine stations in creek and nine stations in its offshore
waters were selected. Surface seawater samples were collected in three replications. Samples were analyzed in the laboratory by colorimetric method for 54 samples in each season. Winter mean value of nitrate, nitrite, phosphate and silicate were 95.93 ±12.77, 5.45 ±0.71, 17.02 ±1.37 and 68.18 ±8.05 µgL-1,
respectively. Also, summer mean value of nitrate, nitrite, phosphate and silicate were 120.84 ±13.58, 5.67 ±1.52, 10.99 ±0.26 and 89.66±21.89 µgL-1, respectively. Statistical analysis indicated significant difference between phosphate concentration in winter and summer (P<0.05), while statistical analysis
showed no significant difference between nitrate, nitrite and silicate concentrations in winter and summer (P>0.05). Probably the difference in nutrient concentrations is due to change of seasons. The effect of winter rainfall in nutrients loading, especially in phosphate, throughout the Bardestan creek and its offshore waters in the Persian Gulf was observed in the present study.