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:: Volume 5, Issue 20 (2015) ::
2015, 5(20): 95-105 Back to browse issues page
Analysis and Prioritization of Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats of the Iranian Dry Ports Using SWOT and AHP Models
Nasser Saeidi , Hassan Jafari
, hassanport53@yahoo.com.
Abstract:   (14092 Views)
Strategic analysis is the first and most important component of strategic management process which requires identification and analysis of an organization’s internal strengths and weaknesses as well as its external opportunities and threats. A lot of techniques can be applied to analyze strategic matters among which SWOT matrix is highly famous and reputable. One the most important weaknesses of SWOT analysis is that the importance of each factor for decision making cannot be quantitatively evaluated. In other words, it is to some extent difficult to identify which factor or group is more effective in strategic decisions. Analytical Hierarchy Process removes the mentioned problem. Importance, weight and priority of each factor are quantitatively estimable via AHP model. Aimed to analyze and prioritize strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of Iran’s dry ports, the present research has been implemented by use of SWOT and AHP models. Firstly, having analyzed the internal and external environments, strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats were identified. Then SWOT matrix was formed by merging the mentioned components and, applying AHP model, priority and importance of each group and subgroup was determined. The obtained results show that strengths have the most and weaknesses have the least importance and priority. Finally, having considered the amount of importance and priority of SWOT components of dry ports, some executive strategies were offered
Keywords: Dry Ports, Analytical Hierarchy Process, Strategic, SWOT, Maritime Transport
Full-Text [PDF 118 kb]   (4116 Downloads)    
Type of Study: Research/ Original/ Regular Article |
Received: 2015/03/16 | Accepted: 2015/03/16 | ePublished: 2015/03/16

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Saeidi N, Jafari H. Analysis and Prioritization of Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats of the Iranian Dry Ports Using SWOT and AHP Models. Journal of Oceanography 2015; 5 (20) :95-105
URL: http://joc.inio.ac.ir/article-1-673-en.html

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