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:: Volume 15, Issue 58 (2024) ::
2024, 15(58): 107-122 Back to browse issues page
Studying the opportunities and challenges of multinational companies' investment in Iran: reviewing the investment capacities in the maritime sector
Amir Nezam Barati Amir Nezam Barati , Mahmoud Emami Nemin Mahmoud Emami Nemin , Roya Parsajem Roya Parsajem
Assistant Professor of Law, Department of Law,Faculty of Maritime commissar, Imam Khomeini Maritime Science University, Mazandaran, Iran , nezambarati@gmai.com
Abstract:   (430 Views)
Background and Theoretical Foundations:  Efforts in economic development, financing of projects, and promotion of new technologies can be considered some of the most important achievements of the entry of foreign investors, especially multinational companies. Therefore, in the current world, studying the role of direct or indirect foreign investment in multinational companies is of strategic importance for the development of the world economy and business. In the past few decades, multinational companies have played a significant role in the economic and commercial development of the world, especially the growth of developing countries such as Malaysia, the United Arab Emirates, China, Singapore, and India.
Methodology: In this research, using the analytical descriptive method, the opportunities and challenges of multinational companies' investment in Iran were investigated by reviewing the investment capacities in the marine sector.
Findings: The findings of this research indicate that if the investment conditions in developing countries and transition economies are guaranteed, international investors will be more willing to participate in such markets, especially in sea ice, considering the capacities They will have the potential of Iran on Makran coasts and islands and Persian Gulf coasts.
Conclusion: According to the words of the president, Iran needs 200 billion dollars of foreign investment for 8% growth. Therefore, multinational companies have significant power and influence, especially in the development of marine industries, due to their economic facilities and advanced technology. In the marine industry sector, developing countries have less exploitation capacity than developed countries due to the harsh working environment. The role of these companies has been proven as part of the current economic reality of the contemporary world. Therefore, investing countries can control the activities and performance of transnational companies through the adoption of policies and by creating political, social, and economic stability and formulating rules and regulations in the fields of currency, wages and salaries, and natural resources and the amount of development of ports, roads and communication networks should use the resources of these companies for all-round development. In recent years, the world has witnessed a new and growing type of foreign direct investment caused by transnational companies. The relations of developing countries With advanced countries and the impact of their interaction with transnational companies, it has provided the basis for the development process in such countries. In terms of challenges, the most important challenges and investments of multinational companies in Iran are the government's interference in the economy, strict laws and regulations that limit the activities of international companies, such as Article 81 of the Constitution, and international sanctions based on America. Therefore, if the investment conditions in developing countries and transition economies like Iran are guaranteed, international investors will have more desire to participate in such markets. This allows the host countries to take advantage of comparative advantages, economic growth, job creation, and access to modern knowledge and technology to produce competitive goods in the international arena. Therefore, accelerating the flow of foreign investment provides mutual benefits for host countries such as Iran, considering the country's need for 200 billion dollars of foreign capital. Therefore, to get the most benefit from foreign investment, it is necessary to ensure political stability and economic security, improve infrastructure, and establish and implement appropriate laws and regulations. In the meantime, the need to pay special attention to free zones and sea-oriented development and investment in this sector as controlled geographical areas and the most susceptible spaces for attracting foreign investment seems necessary. The maritime sector has a very high potential due to the approval of sea-oriented development policies, and the flow of domestic and foreign capital in this sector can institutionalize the comprehensive development of the country due to the huge capacity of this sector. Finally, economic sanctions are the most important political factors hindering foreign investment attraction. This is while changing internal laws and regulations, including banking and financial laws, adopting the same behavior and the same approach with domestic and foreign investors, establishing investment guarantees, making the risks related to investment predictable, facilitating the business environment, and Abolishing economic sanctions and establishing constructive communication and resolving disputes with the countries of the region, developed countries, especially the European :union:, and resolving disputes with the United States, ultimately making the business and investment environment competitive in the country for the presence of different blocs can be conditions provided that the maximum investment in different parts of the country.
Keywords: Investment, multinational companies, Iranian law, opportunities, challenges, law, maritime sector
Full-Text [PDF 1419 kb]   (105 Downloads)    
Type of Study: Research/ Original/ Regular Article | Subject: Law of the Sea
Received: 2024/10/8 | Revised: 2024/11/23 | Accepted: 2024/11/5 | ePublished: 2024/11/23

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Amir Nezam Barati A N B, Mahmoud Emami Nemin M E N, Roya Parsajem R P. Studying the opportunities and challenges of multinational companies' investment in Iran: reviewing the investment capacities in the maritime sector. Journal of Oceanography 2024; 15 (58) :107-122
URL: http://joc.inio.ac.ir/article-1-1819-en.html

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Volume 15, Issue 58 (2024) Back to browse issues page
نشریه علمی پژوهشی اقیانوس شناسی Journal of Oceanography
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