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:: Volume 14, Issue 56 (2024) ::
2024, 14(56): 106-114 Back to browse issues page
Understanding the economic effects of sea level rise on tourism growth in the Middle East
Mojtaba Abbasian , Hajar Esnaashari , Ronak Khodarahmi
university of jiroft , Esnaashari@ujiroft.ac.ir
Abstract:   (978 Views)
Background and Theoretical Foundations:The economic effects of sea level rise on the growth of tourism is a growing concern. Because the rise of the sea level has affected the reduction of the level of the coasts all over the world, which means the reduction of the capacity of carrying recreation by the coastal areas, which in turn can significantly affect the tourism economy. Rising sea levels have created significant challenges for the growth of tourism in the Middle East, especially in coastal areas, over the past two decades. Therefore, the purpose of this research was to investigate the economic effects of sea level rise on the growth of tourism in the Middle East.
Methodology: The current research is mixed in terms of data type, applied-developmental in terms of purpose, exploratory in terms of nature, and survey in terms of data collection method. The data of this study has been done in the form of a time series and for the years 2010-2000 with an increase in sea level rise equal to 2.92 centimeters and for the years 2011-2021 with an increase in sea level rise equal to 4.87 centimeters. The statistical population of the research is Middle Eastern countries. The data needed for this research was obtained from official international statistical centers such as the World Bank, United Nations Statistical Division, Tourism Statistics Database, Data Info. To analyze the data of the research, the panel method and EViews software were used.
Findings: The research findings showed that the effect of the logarithm of population density variable on the dependent variable of tourism growth is positive and significant, so that at a height of 2.92 centimeters above sea level, the coefficient of the logarithm of population density variable is equal to 0.77 with an increase in sea level to 4.87 0.56 was obtained. The effect of the variable of the logarithm of agricultural area on the variable of tourism growth is positive and significant, so that at the height of 2.92 centimeters above the sea level, the variable coefficient of the logarithm of agricultural area was equal to 0.13 and when the sea level increased to 4.87, it was equal to 0.09. The effect of the logarithm of the GDP variable on the tourism growth variable is positive and strong, so that at a height of 2.92 centimeters above the sea level, the coefficient of the logarithm of the GDP variable is equal to 0.34 and with the increase of the sea level, it is equal to 0.31. The logarithm variable of vegetation has an effect on the growth of tourism, so that at a height of 2.92 centimeters above the sea level, the coefficient of this variable is equal to 0.57 and when the sea level increases to 4.87, it is equal to 0.28. The logarithm variable of carbon dioxide emission per capita is negative and significant on the variable of tourism growth, so that at a height of 2.92 centimeters above sea level, the variable coefficient of carbon dioxide emission per capita is -0.14, and with the increase of sea level, the coefficient of this variable is equal to 0.18 - Was obtained.
Conclusion: The result of the panel method showed that the effects of economic variables during the rise of the sea level over time affect the growth of tourism. Therefore, taking environmentally friendly measures against sea level rise requires a combination of strategies at different scales, from individual actions to initiatives at the community level and broader government policies. As sea level rise affects numerous coastal areas around the world, international cooperation is critical. Sharing knowledge, best strategies and financial measures can help vulnerable areas. Renewable energies are the key source of environmental sustainability, awareness and education can significantly affect the consumption of renewable energies, and making society more aware of the effects of environmental degradation is vital for the production of renewable energies.
Keywords: Sea level rise, Tourism Growth, Panel method
Full-Text [PDF 1501 kb]   (310 Downloads)    
Type of Study: Applied Article | Subject: Marine Environment / Marine pollution
Received: 2024/02/16 | Revised: 2024/04/27 | Accepted: 2024/04/27 | ePublished: 2024/03/5

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abbasian M, esnaashari H, khodarahmi R. Understanding the economic effects of sea level rise on tourism growth in the Middle East. Journal of Oceanography 2024; 14 (56) :106-114
URL: http://joc.inio.ac.ir/article-1-1792-en.html

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Volume 14, Issue 56 (2024) Back to browse issues page
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