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:: Volume 8, Issue 32 (2018) ::
2018, 8(32): 21-30 Back to browse issues page
Jurisdiction in the International Law of the Sea in Conflict between Right to Protection of Offshore Facilities and Freedom of Navigation
Javad Salehi
, javadsalehi@pnu.ac.ir
Abstract:   (8053 Views)
The goal of this article was to examine the Jurisdiction in International Law of the Sea in conflict between right to protection of offshore facilities and freedom of navigation. Ships are under nationality of their flag state in the high seas and offshore zones. Seizure of the ship and arrestment of its crew in the exclusive economic zone under the control of the coastal government on the pretext of violating its offshore facilities and equipment were assessed interference in flag State and his sovereignty affairs. Coastal government is allowed to take security measures to prevent and manage dangerous maneuvers of environmental activists to offshore facilities in protest to its offshore activities. Final conclusion showed that seizure of ships and arrest of environmental activists by the Russian state is an illegal act and in conflict of jurisdiction of the Netherland’s flag State according to the recent judgment of the Arbitration
Keywords: International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea, Coastal Government, Flag State, Exclusive Economic Zone, Continental Shelf, Offshore Facilities.
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Received: 2017/11/4 | Accepted: 2018/01/20 | ePublished: 2018/04/3
1. Caddell, R., 2014. Platforms, protestors and provisional measures: the arctic sunrise dispute and environmental activism at sea in Ambrus M., and Wessel R. A., (ed), Netherlands Year Book International Law. Vol. 45, Cambridge University Press, 413P.#
2. Dolidze, A., 2014. The arctic sunrise and NGOs in international judicial proceedings. American Society of International Law, 18(1): 111-123.#
3. Guilfoyle, D.; Cameron, A.M., 2014. Provisional measures and the MV arctic sunrise. American Journal of International Law, 108 (2): 271-287.#
4. International Law Commission, 1956. Report of covering the work of its eights session, No. A/3159. Article 68 Commentary, Yearbook of the International Law Commission, 2: 303P.#
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7. International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea, 2015. Arctic sunrise arbitration, Netherlands v. Russia, Award on the Merits, Case No 2015-02.#
8. Kwiatkowska, B., 1989. The 200 mile exclusive economic zone in the new law of the sea. Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 416P.#
9. Leach, P., 2005. Taking a case to the European court of human rights. 4rd edition, Oxford University Press, 736P.#
10. Lukashevich, A., 2013, Briefing by the official representative of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Press service, Available at, http://www.mid.ru/ en/press_service/spokesman/briefings//asset_publisher/D2wHaWMCU6Od/content/id/796228.#
11. Laina, E., 2015. The arctic sunrise case provisional measures ordered. Environmental Policy and Law, 45-46: 266-269.#
12. Nordquist, M.H.; Grandy, N.R.; Nandan, S.N.; Rosenne S., 1995. United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea 1982, a Commentary. Vol. 3, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 736P.#
13. Peiris, N., 2015. Arctic sunrise from Itlos: the arctic surprise and in search of a balanced order’ in Chircop, A., and Coffen-Smout S., (ed), Ocean, Year Book, No. 29, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 856P.#
14. Rieter, E., 2015. Introductory note to the "arctic sunrise"; case (Netherlands/Russia)(Itlos). International Legal Materials, 53 (4): 603-619.#
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33. Caddell, R., 2014. Platforms, protestors and provisional measures: the arctic sunrise dispute and environmental activism at sea in Ambrus M., and Wessel R. A., (ed), Netherlands Year Book International Law. Vol. 45, Cambridge University Press, 413P.#
34. Dolidze, A., 2014. The arctic sunrise and NGOs in international judicial proceedings. American Society of International Law, 18(1): 111-123.#
35. Guilfoyle, D.; Cameron, A.M., 2014. Provisional measures and the MV arctic sunrise. American Journal of International Law, 108 (2): 271-287.#
36. International Law Commission, 1956. Report of covering the work of its eights session, No. A/3159. Article 68 Commentary, Yearbook of the International Law Commission, 2: 303P.#
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39. International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea, 2015. Arctic sunrise arbitration, Netherlands v. Russia, Award on the Merits, Case No 2015-02.#
40. Kwiatkowska, B., 1989. The 200 mile exclusive economic zone in the new law of the sea. Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 416P.#
41. Leach, P., 2005. Taking a case to the European court of human rights. 4rd edition, Oxford University Press, 736P.#
42. Lukashevich, A., 2013, Briefing by the official representative of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Press service, Available at, http://www.mid.ru/ en/press_service/spokesman/briefings//asset_publisher/D2wHaWMCU6Od/content/id/796228.#
43. Laina, E., 2015. The arctic sunrise case provisional measures ordered. Environmental Policy and Law, 45-46: 266-269.#
44. Nordquist, M.H.; Grandy, N.R.; Nandan, S.N.; Rosenne S., 1995. United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea 1982, a Commentary. Vol. 3, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 736P.#
45. Peiris, N., 2015. Arctic sunrise from Itlos: the arctic surprise and in search of a balanced order' in Chircop, A., and Coffen-Smout S., (ed), Ocean, Year Book, No. 29, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 856P.#
46. Rieter, E., 2015. Introductory note to the "arctic sunrise"; case (Netherlands/Russia)(Itlos). International Legal Materials, 53 (4): 603-619.#
47. Wildhaber, L., 2005. Aspects of the freedoms of expression and association under the European Convention in Human Rights. #199-254; in Sergio A Fabris (ed), Trends in the International Law of Human rights, Studies in Honour of Professor Antônio Cançado Trindade, Vol. 3, Porto Alegre, 191P.#

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Salehi J. Jurisdiction in the International Law of the Sea in Conflict between Right to Protection of Offshore Facilities and Freedom of Navigation. Journal of Oceanography 2018; 8 (32) :21-30
URL: http://joc.inio.ac.ir/article-1-1218-en.html

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