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:: Volume 8, Issue 32 (2018) ::
2018, 8(32): 9-19 Back to browse issues page
Investigating the Storm Surge Due to Tropical Cyclone Ashobaa in the Coastal Areas of Bushehr and Chabahar
Roya Foroutani , Maryam Rahbani , Mohammad Pakhirehzan
, maryamrahbani@yahoo.com
Abstract:   (8558 Views)
Tropical cyclones develop over oceans as low pressure phenomena. They could be developed further when the conditions are met and cause storm surge. The devastating consequences of these storms in coastal areas reveal the importance of investigation on such subjects. In this research therefore, the variation in the height of water level due to the Ashobaa cyclone has been studies using Flow module of the MIKE 21 software. The study has been conducted at two stations; one near the port of Bushehr and another near the port of Chabahar. The model first was calibrated and validated using field data. After the model validation, two simulations were carried out; one with and one without the effect of Ashooba cyclone. Positive storm surge was observed due to the Ashobaa cyclone in Chabahar station (about 50 cm). The effect of the storm was negligible in Bushehr water level. It was also observed that the storm affected the current speed and direction in Chabahar station. Such an effect was not observed in Bushehr station.
Keywords: Ashobaa cyclone, Storm surge, MIKE21 software, Flow simulation, Bushehr, Chabahar.
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Received: 2017/09/11 | Accepted: 2018/01/10 | ePublished: 2018/03/26
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2. Burston, J.; Nose, T.; Tomlinson, R., 2013. Real-time numerical simulation of storm surge inundation using high-performance computing for disaster management, Queensland. In Proceeding of the 20th international congress on modelling and simulation, Adelaide, Australia, 2047-2053PP.#
3. Bastidas, L.A.; Knighton, J.; Kline, S.W., 2016. Parameter sensitivity and uncertainty analysis for a storm surge and wave model. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 16(10): 2195.#
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5. Dube, S.K.; Jain, I.; Rao, A.D.; Murty, T.S., 2009. Storm surge modelling for the Bay of Bengal and Arabian Sea. Natural Hazards, 51(1): 3-27.#
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11. Mujumdar, M.; Gnanaseelan, C.; Rajeevan, M., 2015. A research report on the 2015 Southwest Monsoon. ESSO/IITM/SERP/SR/02 (2015)/185. http://www/ tropmet. res. in.#
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13. Prasad, V.S.; Johny, C.J.; Sodhi, J.S., 2016. Impact of 3D Var GSI-ENKF hybrid data assimilation system. Journal of Earth System Science, 125(8): 1509-1521.#
14. Reynolds, R.M., 1993. Physical oceanography of the Persian Gulf, Strait of Hormuz, and the Gulf of Oman-Results from the Mt Mitchell expedition. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 27: 35-59.#
15. Resio, D.T.; Westerink, J.J., 2008. Modeling the physics of storm surges. Physics Today, (9): 33-38.#
16. Spencer, T.; Brooks, S.M.; Evans, B.R.; Tempest, J.A.; Möller, I., 2015. Southern North Sea storm surge event of 5 December 2013: water levels, waves and coastal impacts. Earth-Science Reviews, 146: 120-145.#
17. Webster, P.J.; Holland, G.J.; Curry, J.A.; Chang, H.R., 2005. Changes in tropical cyclone number, duration, and intensity in a warming environment. Science, 309(5742): 1844-1846.#
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24. Arns, A.; Wahl, T.; Dangendorf, S.; Jensen, J., 2015. The impact of sea level rise on storm surge water levels in the northern part of the German Bight. Coastal Engineering, 96:118-131.#
25. Burston, J.; Nose, T.; Tomlinson, R., 2013. Real-time numerical simulation of storm surge inundation using high-performance computing for disaster management, Queensland. In Proceeding of the 20th international congress on modelling and simulation, Adelaide, Australia, 2047-2053PP.#
26. Bastidas, L.A.; Knighton, J.; Kline, S.W., 2016. Parameter sensitivity and uncertainty analysis for a storm surge and wave model. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 16(10): 2195.#
27. Dube, S.K.; Rao, A.D.; Sinha, P.C.; Murty, T.S.; Bahulayan, N., 1997. Storm surge in the Bay of Bengal and Arabian Sea: the problem and its prediction. MAUSAM, 48(2): 283-304.#
28. Dube, S.K.; Jain, I.; Rao, A.D.; Murty, T.S., 2009. Storm surge modelling for the Bay of Bengal and Arabian Sea. Natural Hazards, 51(1): 3-27.#
29. Graham, L.; Butler, T.; Walsh, S.; Dawson, C.; Westerink, J.J., 2017. A measure-theoretic algorithm for estimating bottom friction in a coastal inlet: case study of bay st. Louis during hurricane gustav (2008). Monthly Weather Review, 145(3): 929-954.#
30. Haigh, I.D.; Wijeratne, E.M.S.; MacPherson, L.R.; Pattiaratchi, C.B.; Mason, M.S.; Crompton, R.P.; George, S., 2014. Estimating present day extreme water level exceedance probabilities around the coastline of Australia: tides, extra-tropical storm surges and mean sea level. Climate Dynamics, 42(1-2): 121-138.#
31. Hiza, B.S., 2017. Groundwater and tidal controls on wetland hydrology, Julie J. Metz wetland mitigation bank. Woodbridge, Virginia (Doctoral dissertation, Old Dominion University), 136P.#
32. Krishna, K.M., 2009. Intensifying tropical cyclones over the North Indian Ocean during summer monsoon-global warming. Global and Planetary Change, 65(1): 12-16.#
33. Moriasi, D.N.; Arnold, J.G.; Van Liew, M.W.; Bingner, R.L.; Harmel, R.D.; Veith, T.L., 2007. Model evaluation guidelines for systematic quantification of accuracy in watershed simulations. Transactions of the ASABE, 50(3): 885-900.#
34. Mujumdar, M.; Gnanaseelan, C.; Rajeevan, M., 2015. A research report on the 2015 Southwest Monsoon. ESSO/IITM/SERP/SR/02 (2015)/185. http://www/ tropmet. res. in.#
35. Pugh, D.; Woodworth, P., 2014. Sea-level science: understanding tides, surges, tsunamis and mean sea-level changes. Cambridge University Press, 407P.#
36. Prasad, V.S.; Johny, C.J.; Sodhi, J.S., 2016. Impact of 3D Var GSI-ENKF hybrid data assimilation system. Journal of Earth System Science, 125(8): 1509-1521.#
37. Reynolds, R.M., 1993. Physical oceanography of the Persian Gulf, Strait of Hormuz, and the Gulf of Oman-Results from the Mt Mitchell expedition. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 27: 35-59.#
38. Resio, D.T.; Westerink, J.J., 2008. Modeling the physics of storm surges. Physics Today, (9): 33-38.#
39. Spencer, T.; Brooks, S.M.; Evans, B.R.; Tempest, J.A.; Möller, I., 2015. Southern North Sea storm surge event of 5 December 2013: water levels, waves and coastal impacts. Earth-Science Reviews, 146: 120-145.#
40. Webster, P.J.; Holland, G.J.; Curry, J.A.; Chang, H.R., 2005. Changes in tropical cyclone number, duration, and intensity in a warming environment. Science, 309(5742): 1844-1846.#

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Foroutani R, Rahbani M, Pakhirehzan M. Investigating the Storm Surge Due to Tropical Cyclone Ashobaa in the Coastal Areas of Bushehr and Chabahar. Journal of Oceanography 2018; 8 (32) :9-19
URL: http://joc.inio.ac.ir/article-1-1210-en.html

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