Azad university of Bandar Abbas ,
Abstract: (12684 Views)
This study investigated the sensitivity of seashores by Environment Sensitivity Index (ESI) of American National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) method. Moreover, physical sensitivity of Hormozgan shore line was determined based on NOAA models, Habitat Priority Planner (HPP) and Geographical Information System (GSI). The results of present study showed that 10 major layers and 24 minor layers related codes have been recognized in the 1040 Km of Hormozgan coast. In this respect, layer 10D with 319.87 Km width has accounted for most of the coastal area with 28.13 percent. Layer 3A with 110.13 Km long contains 9.7 percent of the eastern and central coasts after layer 10D. Layer 1A with 93.87 Km expansion and 8.26 percent rate have third place in sensitive layers abundance chart. The results showed that this area is very sensitive to the potential disasters and oil pollutions and needs optimum shoreline management.
Habibi S, Sharifipour R, Danehkar A. Investigation of Physical Sensitivity of Hormozgan Shore Line by Environmental Sensitivity Index (ESI) Guidelines. Journal of Oceanography 2014; 4 (16) :95-100 URL: