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:: Volume 10, Issue 40 (2020) ::
2020, 10(40): 123-134 Back to browse issues page
Investigation the Distribution of Copper, Iron, and Lead Compounds in Surface Sediments of Musa Estuary by Sequential Extraction
Saman Absiah , Kamal Ghanemi , Yadollah Nikpour
Department of Marine Chemistry, Faculty of Marine Science, Khorramshahr University of Marine Science and Technology, P.O. BOX 669, Khorramshahr, Iran , kamal.ghanemi@kmsu.ac.ir
Abstract:   (3484 Views)
Determination of total amount of sediment metals can be used as a measure of pollution in the area, but it alone cannot show the mobility potential, toxicity, and availability of various metal compounds in the sediment. In this research, a five-stage sequential extraction process was used to extract various compounds of iron, copper and lead from sediments. Eighteen samples were collected from different stations in Musa estuary, Persian Gulf, including Majidiyeh, Ghazaleh, Ja'fari, Musa, Merimous, and Ghanam. After drying and homogenization, 1.0 g of each sediment was extracted with the help of selective reagents within a given temperature and time. After each extraction, the specimen was exposed to subsequent extractions to complete all five steps. The amount of metals ions in separated solutions were measured by an atomic absorption instrument. The results showed that most of the metals were in the reducible oxides and residual sections. The highest amount of copper compounds in the exchangeable portion was related to Majidiyeh (5.3%), and for the lead was related to Ja'fari (19.6%). Therefore, it can be said that the mobility potential of copper and lead ions in Majidiyeh and Ja'fari stations, which are under the influence of industrial and urban activities, is higher than the rest. Comparison of the average distribution of copper and lead compounds in the sediments of Musa estuary with the rest of the world showed that although the distribution pattern of metal compounds is quite similar, the amount of these compounds in sediments is significantly less than the other compared regions.
Keywords: Fractionation studies, heavy metals, sediments, Musa estuary
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Type of Study: Research/ Original/ Regular Article | Subject: Chemical Oceanography
Received: 2019/03/13 | Revised: 2020/09/5 | Accepted: 2019/09/15 | ePublished: 2020/06/2
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Absiah S, Ghanemi K, Nikpour Y. Investigation the Distribution of Copper, Iron, and Lead Compounds in Surface Sediments of Musa Estuary by Sequential Extraction. Journal of Oceanography 2020; 10 (40) :123-134
URL: http://joc.inio.ac.ir/article-1-1554-en.html

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