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:: Volume 8, Issue 31 (2017) ::
2017, 8(31): 27-34 Back to browse issues page
An Assessment of Heavy Metals in Coastal Sediments of the Caspian Sea, Guilan Province
Mohsen Mohammedi Galangash , Esa Solgi , Zahra Bozorgpanah
, m-mohammadi@guilan.ac.ir
Abstract:   (7315 Views)
The purpose of this study was to measure the concentrations of nickel, vanadium, molybdenum, copper, iron, lead and chromium in coastal sediments collected from 5 sampling sites in Guilan province. Three composite samples were collected from each sampling site in October 2012. After sample preparation, the specimens were analyzed using ICP spectrophotometry. The accumulation pattern of metals in sediment were obtained in the form of V>Cr>Ni>Cu>Pb>Fe>Mo. The results showed a high correlation between metals at all sampling sites. In this study, the highest concentration of vanadium and chromium were obtained from Anzali station and the highest concentrations of nickel and lead were observed in Chubar site. The Haknson ecological risk assessment index demonstrated that the sediments were classified in the class of zero at all sites. Cluster analysis showed that the iron source was independent of the other elements sources. ERL & ERM levels of nickel as an indicator of oil pollution revealed that the region affected by oil pollution, hence continues environmental monitoring is essential at the study areas.
Keywords: Heavy metals, Sediments, Pollution, Caspian Sea
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Type of Study: Research/ Original/ Regular Article |
Received: 2017/02/21 | Accepted: 2017/07/8 | ePublished: 2018/03/7
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27. Abrahim, G.M.S., 2005. Holocene sediments of Tamaki Estuary: Characterisation and impact of recent human activity on an urban estuary in Auckland, New Zealand. PhD. Thesis, University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand, 362P.#
28. Aksoy, A.; Demirezen, D.; Duman, F., 2005. Bioaccumulation, detection and analyses of heavy metal pollution in Sultan Marsh and its environment. Water, Air & Soil Pollution, 164(1): 241-255.#
29. CCME (Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment), 1999. Canadian environmental quality guideline, From Publication No. 1299: ISBN1-896997-34-1.#
30. Davydkova, I.L.; Fadeeva, N.P.; Kovekovdova, L.T.; Fadeev, V.I., 2005. Heavy metal contents in tissues of dominant species of the benthos and in bottom sediments of Zolotoi Rog Bay, Sea of Japan. Russian Journal of Marine Biology, 31(3): 176-180.#
31. Dias, J.F.; Fernandez, W.S.; Boufleur, L.A.; Dos Santos, C.E.I.; Amaral, L.; Yoneama, M.L., 2009. Biomonitoring study of seasonal anthropogenic influence at the Itamambuca beach (SP, Brazil). Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, 267: 1960-1964.#
32. El-Moselhy, KH.M., 2006. Distribution of vanadium in bottom sediments from the marine coastal area of the Egyptian Sea. Egyptian Journal of Aquatic Research, 32(1): 12-21.#
33. El Tokhi, M.; Abdelgawad, E.; Lotfy, M.M., 2008. Impact of heavy metals and petroleum hydrocarbons contamination of the East Port Said Port area, Egypt. Applied Sciences Research, 4: 1788-1798.#
34. Essien, J.; Antai, S.; Olajire, A., 2009. Distribution, seasonal variations and ecotoxicological significance of heavy metals in sediments of cross river estuary mangrove swamp. Water Air and Soil Pollution, 197: 91-100.#
35. Fairbrother, A.; Wenstel, R.; Sappington, K.; Wood, W., 2007. Framework for metals risk assessment. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 68(2): 145-227.#
36. Ganjavi, M.; Ezzatpanah, H.; Givianrad, M.H.; Shams, A., 2010. Effect of canned tuna fish processing steps on lead and cadmium contents of Iranian tuna fish. Food Chemistry, 118: 525-528.#
37. Hakanson, L., 1980. Ecological risk index for aquatic pollution control, a sedimentological approach. Water Research, 14: 975-1001.#
38. Luoma, S.N.; Rainbow, P.S., 2008. Metal contamination in aquatic environments: science and lateral Heavy metals mobility in harbour contaminated sediments: The case of Port-en -Bessin. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 50: 504-516.#
39. Mostafa, A., 2004. An overview of metal pollution in the western harbour of Alexandria, Egypt. Soil and Sediment Contamination, 13: 299-311.#
40. NOAA, 1999. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Sediment quality guideline developed for the national status and trends program. The center for Coastal Monitoring and Assessment (CCMA) (NOAA Technical Memorandum NOSNCCOS CCMA), 017P.#
41. Nasrabadi, T.; Bidhendi, G.N.; Karbassi, A.; Mehrdadi, N., 2010. Evaluating the efficiency of sediment metal pollution indices in interpreting the pollution of Haraz River sediments, southern Caspian Sea basin. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 171: 395-410.#
42. Naji, A.; Sohrabi, T., 2015. Distribution and contamination pattern of heavy metals from surface sediments in the southern part of Caspian Sea, Iran. Chemical Speciation and Bioavailability, 27(1): 29-43.#
43. Sartaj, M.; Fathollahi, F.; Filizadeh,Y., 2005. An investigation of the evolution of distribution and accumulation of heavy metals (Cr, Ni, Cu, Cd, Zn and Pb) in Anzali Wetland's Sediments. Iranian Journal of Natural Resources, 58(3): 623-634.#
44. Sohrabi, T.; Ismail, A.; Nabavi, M.B., 2010. Distribution and normalization of some metals in surface sediments from South Caspian Sea. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 85(5): 502-508.#
45. Vesali Naseh, M.R.; Karbassi, A.; Ghazaban, F.; Baghvand, A., 2012. Evaluation of heavy metal pollution in Anzali wetland, Guilan, Iran. Iranian Journal of Toxicology, 5(15): 565-576.#
46. Yu, R.; Zhang, W.; Hu, G.; Lin, C.; Yang, Q., 2016. Heavy metal pollution and Pb isotopic tracing in the intertidal surface sediments of Quanzhou Bay, southeast coast of China. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 105(1): 416-421.#

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Mohammedi Galangash M, Solgi E, Bozorgpanah Z. An Assessment of Heavy Metals in Coastal Sediments of the Caspian Sea, Guilan Province . Journal of Oceanography 2017; 8 (31) :27-34
URL: http://joc.inio.ac.ir/article-1-1200-en.html

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